
[last updated 2014 Aug]

Hello! Welcome to Kang Yu’s website! Kang is a very fresh PhD who got his Dr. rer. nat. (German PhD degree) 2014 July from the University of Cologne, Institute of Geography. His study has been focusing on agricultural remote sensing and his thesis title is Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Crop Canopy Chlorophyll and Nitrogen.

Remote sensing is the science of obtaining information about objects or phenomena from a distance without having physical contact with them. Kang has broad interests in agro-ecological applications of remote sensing from leaf to global scales. His study mainly asks following questions: How are leaf optical properties linked to the biological traits? How can we identify and quantify the biological variability of plants using remote sensing data? By addressing these questions and understanding the underlying mechanisms, we will be able to monitor in situ plant health and (probably) foresee their responses to stresses. For instance, for applications in precision agriculture, it will facilitate site-specific managements of fertilizers such as Nitrogen (one of the most important nutrients for plant productivity) fertilizer, as well as pesticides and other resources for crop growth. By up-scaling with the aid of remote sensing data of large scales, it will finally allow us to understand the nutrient cycling of agro-ecosystems.

When Kang is not doing his research, Kang talks something about himself like this: I have many hobbies, I like photography, hiking, swimming, dancing, cooking, etc. Maybe because I’m afraid I might be called Pangzi by someone else besides my litter cousin, I, often irregularly, go swimming or to fitness, which is followed, almost regularly, by a Beer… Cheers!

Kang 2014-Apr Switzerland Thanks for visiting!

if (you in visitors) {

a = you want to know more about my work

b = you might want to check my ORCID

c = i owe you a beer, cheers!

if any(a, b) return(c)
